Soul Flower Farm /// March 27th - 28th 2021. Bay Area, California \\\ USA

Coach Ashley White is a Bail Disruptor in Baton Rouge, LA with The Bail Project (TBP).  The Bail Project is a national revolving bail fund that works to battle mass incarceration by posting bail for people who cannot afford it. At The Bail Project - Baton Rouge she has led the site in bailing out over 250 clients and establishing key relationships with community partners.  She also serves as a steering committee of the East Baton Rouge Rouge Parish Prison Reform Coalition.

Ashley is kickboxing instructor and Krav Maga practitioner who has trained in martial arts for over six years. She began her training at the flagship Krav Maga Worldwide Center in Los Angeles and currently trains and teaches at BR Krav Maga in Baton Rouge, LA. 

Additionally, Ashley is certified NRA Pistol & Louisiana Concealed Carry Instructor. She also advocates for Black Gun Rights as the Vice President of the P.B.S Pinchback Gun Club & Baton Rouge Chapter of the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA).

Her firearms training began as a graduate of the Sentinel Program, a 65-hour professional firearms training program FRC Range in Baton Rouge, LA.  As a Sentinel, she completed training in Defensive Pistol, Force on Force, and Hemorrhage Trauma. Additionally she has completed advanced training on marksmanship, firearm manipulations, the survival mindset, and gun fight tactics.

Ashley is passionate in spreading self-defense & self-sufficiency especially for women. She is an avid runner and urban farmer and has completed 2 half-marathons and numerous 5 & 10Ks. She continues to push her combat training as she prepares for amateur fighting with USA Boxing. 

Present list of Gun Fighter creditials..

NRA Pistol Instructor

Louisiana Concealed Carry Instructor

NRA Basic Pistol

Krav Maga - Level 3 - Green Belt

FRC Sentinel- 65+ Hours of Firearms Training

Draw Clinic

Concealed Carry Plus

NRA Defensive Pistol

Simunition Force on Force Training (2x)

Hemorrhage Trauma

Legal Seminar on Use of Deadly Force

Vehicle Defense

The Advantage Group, Hammond, LA

Gun Fighter I

Carbine I

Shooting from Concealment

First Person Defender - GunTalk Media

Cause & Effect Tactical Solutions, Houston, TX

Tactical Pistol & Rifle

Dominion 126, Houston, TX

Dynamic Pistol & Queen’s Defense

Fit to Fight Green Belt